Friday, May 1, 2009

5.) What the Radiation Department dosn't want to hear from you

OK, I confess, I'm beginning to panic about the family jewels. I do think there are some things worse then death and this is getting way to close to one of them. I asked Dr. C. about some kind of shield for my genitals during the radiation treatments. I got more puzzled looks then answers. One response I got that I'm getting tired of is being told I can stop treatment at any time. That's not what I'm about, I'm not chicken or stupid, just the opposite, I want reassurance everything is being done to minimise side effects while effectively treating my cancer. I don't have testicular cancer so why can't we put a lead apron over them like they do at the dentist office. Boy did that question turn out to be a can of worms. One response Dr. C had was that lead can actually cause back scatter increasing the dose by reflecting it back off the lead. Then the worse news, at the dose level of 1.8 gray it would take 7 inches of lead to cut the exposure in half. So the bulb of the penis and somewhat the base has no option and adding lead could slightly increase the absorbed dose. The particle accelerator has the ability to taper off the dose very quickly. I still think lead would be a better idea I sent Dr.C. a note saying if they couldn't come up with something I would get some lead and make it myself. I actually went to a roofing supply house and got some lead flashing. Dr. C doesn't think we could use lead and keep me in the designed position. I don't agree but for now we settled on a compromise. If you can't reduce the dose and you can't shield it, the only option left is distance. So from now on we are going to tie gauze around the base of my testicles and penis to pull them out of the way as much as we can without harm. Dr. C. also said he would set it up for me to speak with The Physics Department so I could ask questions and find out if there were any other options. I'm probably the first patient to actually talk to someone in the Physics Department during treatment. They generally work in the background without talking to patients. I get the impression I'm the only one to have these concerns and side effects but logic tells me that can't be true. I probably am the first to push the issue this far. I only get to do this once and the effects can be irreversible, I sure don't want to find out later there was something that could have helped we didn't do. On the positive side I am getting the feeling they are listening to me now.